abc dry powder fire extinguisher Filling machine

  • Une variété d'équipements pour répondre à différents besoins de capacité
  • Fabricants d’équipements de remplissage complets et profondément personnalisés
fire extinguisher filling machine

Firesafer DCP fire extinguisher Filling machine

Firesafer has gained trust as abc dry powder fire extinguisher refilling machine manufacturers.


Our equipment can meet the needs of various fire extinguisher types and different production capacities. Whether for fire extinguisher repair and filling services, small-batch fire extinguisher production, or fire extinguisher manufacturing in large fire factories, you can find the most suitable equipment here. Contact us for free quote.

Our Feature Extinguisher Filling Machine
Single Station
Double Stations
Three Stations
Four Stations
Fully automatic production line

Consultez nos professionnels pour obtenir des solutions abordables.


complete custom solutions

Complete Custom solutions

The one-stop solution includes customized equipment LOGO, equipment material, software program development, assembly tooling, etc.

longer lifespan

longer lifespan

L'équipement personnalisé est équipé de composants électriques tels qu'un automate, un système de ventilation, un interrupteur pneumatique, un fusible, un protecteur de contacteur CA, un protecteur de séquence de phases, etc., pour garantir une durée de vie plus longue de l'équipement pendant son utilisation.

Posséder un bon équipement de lutte contre l'incendie peut rendre votre entreprise plus facile et plus simple.

Augmentation de la productivité

Vous pouvez produire plus d'extincteurs en même temps, ce qui vous permet d'occuper rapidement le marché et d'acquérir une meilleure compétitivité sur le marché.

Réduire les coûts de main d’œuvre

Un équipement hautement automatisé peut améliorer l'efficacité de votre production et réduire les coûts de main-d'œuvre

Améliorer la chaîne industrielle

En perfectionnant votre chaîne industrielle, vous pouvez produire rapidement des extincteurs avec le logo de votre marque pour mieux répondre à vos besoins de consommateurs


DCP Fire Extinguisher Filling Machine

Guide FAQ complet

What is dry powder fire extinguisher refilling machine?

The dry powder fire extinguisher filling machine is one of the fire extinguisher filling machines, which can be used to fill dry powder to the fire extinguisher. Dry powder fire extinguisher filling machine improves production efficiency and the quality and reliability of filling and inflation.

How does the dry powder filling machine fill the fire extinguisher?

The product we developed adopts vacuum jet technology, which can realize the rapid inhalation of dry powder into the filling cylinder and allow the dry powder to be inhaled and filled at the same time.



  • Reduce the labor intensity of employees
  • Optimized work environment
  • Improve filling accuracy
  • Easy to use

Working steps of fire extinguisher dry powder filling machine

1. Check the hose

Before starting filling, check the hose connection of the filling machine for looseness. If there is any looseness, please tighten it immediately.


2. Test the power supply unit

Turn on the power supply of the dry powder filling machine and conduct a test on the dry powder filling machine. During the machine test, it should be connected to the ground wire to check whether the rotation of the air pump of the filling machine meets the filling requirements. Connect them tightly to avoid powder leakage due to loose interfaces.


3. Move fire extinguisher

Put the cylinder to be filled on the weighing platform of the electronic scale, then put the filling end cap on the cover, press the corresponding button, and then return to the O position on the platform.


4. Start filling

Turn on the start switch, and the filling machine will start running at this time. When the powder suction tube enters the powder source, the powder is sucked into the cylinder through the pipeline, when the weighing is close to the fixed value, the powder absorption is appropriately reduced through the powder suction tube, and once the weighing is reached, the suction tube is taken out and filled.

Precautions during use

As a professional manufacturer of dry powder fire extinguishers filling machine, firesafer must remind everyone of the following precautions. During the use of the dry powder filling equipment, once there is a problem, you can diagnose where the problem is by checking the power supply and machine components. Only in this way can the filling machine run normally. In addition, when the dry powder filling machine is not in use, it should be placed in a dry and ventilated place to avoid damage to the machine due to the wet ground. Special staff should also be arranged to inspect and maintain the machine regularly.

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