Firesafer, as a professional fire extinguisher manufacturing machine factory, has been engaged in the production and development of fire extinguisher cylinder manufacturing for more than 10 years. We provide a complete set of fire extinguisher manufacturing equipment to help you achieve efficient fire extinguisher production through our professional technology and industry-leading manufacturing capabilities. And we provide turnkey solutions to make your project run smoothly.
Automatic Servo Feeding and Punching line
Automatic rolling pipeline
Maszyna do głębokiego ciągnienia
Maszyna spawalnicza
Maszyna testowa
Automatic Semiauto Extinguisher Filling Line
Lableing And Packing Machine
We customize our equipment to meet your individual needs for capacity, budget and other factors, and manufacture in-house to reduce overall program procurement costs.
We can build you a production line for all types of fire extinguishers, from equipment production to site set-up and staff training, saving you time and money.
Jeśli szukasz profesjonalnego sprzętu przeciwpożarowego dla swojej firmy, Firesafer jest najlepszym wyborem. Możemy dostosować rozwiązania do potrzeb Twojej firmy, wyślij nam szczegółowe wymagania już dziś.
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